Patronenboek Sophie's Universe
Na het succes van de Sophie's Universe CAL 2015, ontworpen door Dedri Uys en gesponserd door Scheepjes, is het patroon nu beschikbaar als boek met maar liefst 210 pagina's.
Let op: Dit patronenboek is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels, het patroon is beschreven in US termen.
Following on from the very successful Sophie's Universe CAL 2015, designed by Dedri Uys and sponsored by Scheepjes, the pattern has now been released as a 210-page book. Sophie's Universe is much more than just a continuous square blanket; it is a journey of discovery. Although the pattern is advanced, it has been written specifically for adventurous beginners. Each round is explained in detail, with step-by-step photos and hints to help you create your blanket and master the art of crochet.